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Creating a self-reliant group of women with self-help and awareness, building their confidence and self-reliance

People’s Resource Development Association (PRDA)
NGO, Bishnupur

PRDA runs a ‘People credit and thrift project’ (PCTP) programme since 1999 -2000 with an objective to provide fair credit and thrift services to marginalized and deprived sections of the communities. It encourages active participation of women in income generating activities, facilitating empowerment of women through increased access to credit services through SHGs either directly from PRDA or bank linkage. 

NGO Mission Group Manipur

The United NGOs Mission-Manipur (UNMM) – a network of 103 indigenous people’s organisations from Northeast India – submits the joint report to the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights on the situation of human rights in the REPUBLIC of INDIA

IISS Bangalore
Education and Training,

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day Teach a man how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime

Connecting underprivileged youths with employment through industry integrated programs

Abdul Kalam Community College
Education and Training,

Abdul Kalam Community College evolved as a movement to include the excluded, the majority, the 75% of our youth population. 
Those people for whom 3 years of college education is a luxury, whose situational compulsion makes them take up early employment, people struggling for social and economic equality and right to life.